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Cannot Modify anything (Gelesen: 3300 mal)

Cannot Modify anything
12.12.08 um 17:17:45
I installed the script in the Windows Hosting Server

It doesnt  count at all and i cannot modify anything in the setting, If i want to change the site name i have to modify the config.php and then upload it manual to the FTP so it can Change!

When i Setup the script it tells if you are in Windows NT then u dont need to change the Permission, and i dont have access to the windows desktop to modify something in IIS

So The Problem here is the Counting doesnt work and i cannot modify anything from the Admin Panel even the themes.

Site: http://www.pclink.com.eg/stat

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Re: Cannot Modify anything
Antwort #1 - 21.12.08 um 11:33:32
This sounds like having a problem with the IIS configuration of PHP. Due to the reason that we do not got any IIS testing base, we encourage you to ask someone with the same server configuration, like here:
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