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AutoUpdate Country detection v20 problem (Gelesen: 2012 mal)
John Motyer
Junior Member

Beiträge: 67
Burlington (Toronto), Canada
Geschlecht: male
AutoUpdate Country detection v20 problem
03.02.24 um 07:20:46
  • PHP 8.2.14
  • phpWebStat v20.01
  • AutoUpdate Country detection v20

    Hello Holger & Reimar,

    I just tried to do an AutoUpdate on 2 of my phpWebStat sites, and the wrong Country Detection files were downloaded both times, randomly.

    With the first phpWebStat site, the initial Country Detection file was 01/2024, but when I clicked UpdateNow in the plugin, the new Country Detection file that was downloaded and installed was 10/2023.

    With the second phpWebStat site, the initial Country Detection file was 01/2024, but when I clicked UpdateNow in the plugin for that website, the new Country Detection file that was downloaded and installed was 06/2018.

    I did not try any more AutoUpdates, and instead downloaded the new 02/2024 Country Detection zip file from your website and installed it manually to all my sites.

    The previous months AutoUpdates worked correctly, it is just this month's 02/2024 where the above problem was.

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    Re: AutoUpdate Country detection v20 problem
    Antwort #1 - 03.02.24 um 07:42:20
    Hi John,

    i'm currently working on this problem to fix it
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    Re: AutoUpdate Country detection v20 problem
    Antwort #2 - 03.02.24 um 08:03:39
    The problem is fixed now.
    Please update der files again.
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    « Zuletzt geändert: 12.02.24 um 19:38:29 von Holger »  

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    John Motyer
    Junior Member

    Beiträge: 67
    Burlington (Toronto), Canada
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    Re: AutoUpdate Country detection v20 problem
    Antwort #3 - 05.03.24 um 09:30:59
    Hello, Holger,

    Thank you for fixing the problem last month.  By the time that you fixed it, I had already updated all my phpWebStats sites manually, so I had to wait until now (with the new 03/2024 update) to test the updates.

    I am happy to report that they are now updating correctly, with the correct update files.

    Thank you for fixing the problem so fast last month.

    Have yourself a great day.

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    De Hout
    YaBB Newbies

    Beiträge: 20
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    Re: AutoUpdate Country detection v20 problem
    Antwort #4 - 06.03.24 um 12:30:34
    This month the country detection was not updated automatically. It is set correctly to active, version is v20.
    Yesterday I did it manually. That worked fine.
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    De Hout
    YaBB Newbies

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    Re: AutoUpdate Country detection v20 problem
    Antwort #5 - 04.04.24 um 22:35:21
    The April update has not been performed automatically as of yet. Additionally, unlike last month, the manual update is also not functioning.  Traurig

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    Re: AutoUpdate Country detection v20 problem
    Antwort #6 - 11.04.24 um 10:08:36
    Does not sound good. According to your sysinfo, the country detection (left table, last entry), the files are updated. Did the update of the stat solve this problem?
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    De Hout
    YaBB Newbies

    Beiträge: 20
    Alkmaar, Netherlands
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    Re: AutoUpdate Country detection v20 problem
    Antwort #7 - 11.04.24 um 19:59:15
    Two days ago I was able to update them manually, but forgot to post it here.
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    Beiträge: 2305
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    Re: AutoUpdate Country detection v20 problem
    Antwort #8 - 11.04.24 um 23:22:12
    The AutoUpdate of the country recognition in the plugin always takes place between the 6th and 8th of the month
    A manual update is always available from the 5th of the month.

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    De Hout
    YaBB Newbies

    Beiträge: 20
    Alkmaar, Netherlands
    Geschlecht: male
    Re: AutoUpdate Country detection v20 problem
    Antwort #9 - 12.04.24 um 20:28:17
    Ah ok, I need more patience. Zwinkernd
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    De Hout
    YaBB Newbies

    Beiträge: 20
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    Re: AutoUpdate Country detection v20 problem
    Antwort #10 - 06.05.24 um 12:41:47
    Today I can confirm that the automatic update took place.
    So there is no problem with the stats, only with my patience.  Zwinkernd
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    John Motyer
    Junior Member

    Beiträge: 67
    Burlington (Toronto), Canada
    Geschlecht: male
    Re: AutoUpdate Country detection v20 problem
    Antwort #11 - 07.05.24 um 11:50:50
    De Hout schrieb am 06.05.24 um 12:41:47:
    Today I can confirm that the automatic update took place.
    So there is no problem with the stats, only with my patience.  Zwinkernd

    It's not just you... I was also not aware, even after 15 years of using phpWebStats, that the auto updates happen automatically only between the 6th and 8th of each month, as reported last month by Holger. Augenrollen
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    My phpWebStats:
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    De Hout
    YaBB Newbies

    Beiträge: 20
    Alkmaar, Netherlands
    Geschlecht: male
    Re: AutoUpdate Country detection v20 problem
    Antwort #12 - 07.05.24 um 13:01:48
    It's not just you... I was also not aware, even after 15 years of using phpWebStats, that the auto updates happen automatically only between the 6th and 8th of each month, as reported last month by Holger. Augenrollen

    In the Netherlands, we have a saying: you are never too old to learn.  Augenrollen Laut lachend
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