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DB mySQL compatibility V4.5 to V20 (Gelesen: 317 mal)
Sandro kensan
YaBB Newbies

Beiträge: 39
DB mySQL compatibility V4.5 to V20
22.01.24 um 21:19:53
Since the statistics software PHPWebStat works very well, I bought the extra plugin package after having purchased the package (1.0 or 2.0? and upgraded to v4.5) many years ago and downloaded to the current free version number 20. I kept my old mysql DB and it seems to be compatible.

Question: From PHPWebStat version number 4.5 to the Free version 20 are there any incompatibilities in the mysql database?

It seems not to me, everything seems to work but I ask for confirmation. unentschlossen
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