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Password limitations (Gelesen: 4486 mal)
John Motyer
Junior Member

Beiträge: 67
Burlington (Toronto), Canada
Geschlecht: male
Password limitations
31.01.22 um 06:23:58
Good morning, Holger.

What are your Forums password limitations?

I reset my forums password yesterday, and I have logged in successfully numerous times since then, including now.

However, when I try to change my profile, when it prompts me for my password, YaBB keeps telling me that my password is incorrect, even though I was able to successfully log into the forums.

My password consists of 70 random characters (my default for all websites that allow passwords that long), upper-case, lower-case, numbers & symbols.

Thank you in advance & have a pleasant day.


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Re: Password limitations
Antwort #1 - 31.01.22 um 21:10:20
Hi John,

the password length is restricted to a maximum of 40 characters.
The settings does not allow to go over this limit.

Kind regards
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John Motyer
Junior Member

Beiträge: 67
Burlington (Toronto), Canada
Geschlecht: male
Re: Password limitations
Antwort #2 - 31.01.22 um 21:19:39
Excellent, thanks for the info.

Have a great evening, and be safe.
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John Motyer
Junior Member

Beiträge: 67
Burlington (Toronto), Canada
Geschlecht: male
Re: Password limitations
Antwort #3 - 31.01.22 um 21:50:08
No, there is still something seriously wrong.

I changed my password to the forums, with my new password being 40-characters long.  I can login to the forums successfully, however, as before, when I try to change my profile & it prompts me to enter my password to change my profile, it keeps telling me that my password is incorrect.
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Re: Password limitations
Antwort #4 - 01.02.22 um 11:26:20
ups ... seems to be a bug  weinend within the forum software.
If you can change your pw again, we prefer using minor 20 characters.
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John Motyer
Junior Member

Beiträge: 67
Burlington (Toronto), Canada
Geschlecht: male
Re: Password limitations
Antwort #5 - 01.02.22 um 12:19:33
I tried 32-characters on my way down to 20, just to see if 32 would work too, but it didn't.

20-characters worked fine, though.  Thank you.

Have a great day, Sir.
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