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include stat track solely via PHP? (Gelesen: 2834 mal)
YaBB Newbies

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include stat track solely via PHP?
02.09.09 um 16:01:25

My site pages are entirely php5 based, and I'm hoping there is a non-js / non img variation of the track.php that I can include.

The /stat/config/tracking_code.php is a good idea, it just involves output that I am not looking for.  I emailed earlier with Reimar about the issue, and I believe he indicated that there was a way to invoke the statistic tracking without outputting html code.

I tend to keep much of my php include code one level below the web accessible root directory; PHP can use it, but Apache can't readily from there.

Generally, the PHP files on my site have as the first line

<?php include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/../phpincludes/sitename-header.php"); ?>
<title> whatever </title> 

and at the bottom, a common footer file via

<?php include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/../phpincludes/sitename-footer.php"); ?> 

I was hoping to add within the footer something similar to

include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/stat/track.php");  

since there are already includes there.  I do like that feature from http://www.infosniper.net/geolocate-live-visits.php and I believe that PHP Web Stat can do this, I just don't know how. Smiley

I plan to integrate this method into wrappers for pdf files, as well as certain .txt documents to accurately track those as well.

I'm sure the standard javascript (with fallback to img method) is great for most folks, but I am hoping to account for traffic from non image aware / non js enabled devices as well.

As well, I can't readily interject html code into the txt or .pdf output files.  Pointers appreciated Smiley

Vielen Dank,

John  Smiley
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&&Thanks, John&&The Blarg
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