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Installation in Drupal. Help! (Gelesen: 3524 mal)

Installation in Drupal. Help!
15.01.09 um 11:01:20
Does anyone know how to install in a server with Drupal?
There is a Drupal module for PHP Webstats that can be used to send data to PHP Webstat.

The problem is that the instructions to install PHP Webstat (according to manual) require to put some files in root directory of server. This cannot be done since they overwrite Drupal's files (for example index.php)

So I need to put the entire PHP Webstat structure (as it is in zip file) in a separate folder under root (the 'stat' folder). I tried this and it seems that it doesnt work. I cannot access the Admin Center of PHP Webstat using
I get a HTTP 500 error.

I know this might be caused by the drupal htaccess file, but I dont know how to fix it. Perhaps I should also change something in Apache conf file.

Can anyone help me to make this work?
(By the way I can run the sysinfo by http://www.mysite.gr/stat/sysinfo.php)
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Re: Installation in Drupal. Help!
Antwort #1 - 15.01.09 um 11:40:33
I suggest you to ask the developer of this integration module:

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