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Counter works for me but no one else. (Gelesen: 6132 mal)

Counter works for me but no one else.
20.11.08 um 12:10:59
Hi there.

I have a problem I didn't find an answer on in the forum already.
Maybe I didn't search too well, and I apologize if the problem already have been solved.

My counter and everything works great... but only for me an no other visitors. How come? Zunge

I run the webserver myself and use a mine.nu address to refer my IP address to http://quarzi.mine.nu. Could this be the problem since I can't have WWW in the address to my page? Or is it just an configuration I've missed?

Edit: It seems now that the first two friends I tested this out on just didn't work and still doesn't, one more firend just woke up and I asked him to go to my page and his visit and stuff got counted.

What could be the reason to why two of them didn't get counted?
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Beiträge: 1984
Geschlecht: male
Re: Counter works for me but no one else.
Antwort #1 - 20.11.08 um 22:13:33
Add the entry "mine.nu" to the domains that should be tracked.
Also the trackingcode in your site could run better in the body tags?!?
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Beiträge: 1984
Geschlecht: male
Re: Counter works for me but no one else.
Antwort #2 - 20.11.08 um 22:15:02
I got tracked Smiley
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Re: Counter works for me but no one else.
Antwort #3 - 20.11.08 um 23:32:39
The problem is still that in this writing moment I've got around 20 hits on my site today according to two other counter scripts (but they lack some functions I want that web stat has) and around 15 of them are friends I've asked to surf around on the site a little, only you and one other friend have been counted in "php web stat".

If I add mine.nu in domains to track and I try to surf around on the site it only records double up, both from my added quarzi.mine.nu and mine.nu in the "last hits" list, so I get two hits at the same time on every page i go to.
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Beiträge: 1133
Geschlecht: male
Re: Counter works for me but no one else.
Antwort #4 - 21.11.08 um 08:39:31
Reimar schrieb am 20.11.08 um 22:15:02:
I got tracked Smiley

Me too! Smiley

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