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version 3.5.08 (Gelesen: 4545 mal)

version 3.5.08
19.06.08 um 20:57:09
The pink panter strikes again  Durchgedreht

The former version already passed away, installation 3.508 would be nice.

OK : worked smoothly for let's say 3 days.

Actual situation : a smaller website , about 50 pages: only the javascript turning around symbol is ending half of the process, using Firefox2. I tried in IE7 , the first time the counting goes until today, after that starting up again : noway. Browser jam .....both.

the bigger website, 600 pages, the javascrit turning around symbol (front page statistik) , is ending after a few dots, browser jam. Counting has not startup from install.

Jam = total restart of the browser is needed.

I have one question : is a combination of php webstatistik and Google Analytics fatal ?

It's the only possibility I can imagine, before I leave this statistic software.
Does anyone have an alternative after Webstatistik, phpMyvisits and server dependent webalyzer ?
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Beiträge: 1984
Geschlecht: male
Re: version 3.5.08
Antwort #1 - 19.06.08 um 21:19:03
Hi there,

sounds funny your post Smiley

but I think we can help you ... lets try

The following steps I would prefer:

1. Delete the index.html files in the stats folder, maybe its disturbing the stat. If you want to get sure that the directory listing is set to off, place a .htaccess file in these folder (except in /log) and write this phrase in that:
Options -Indexes 

2. The reason for never ending run of the update process could be an error in your logfile, specially the timestamp entry 2038. So if you can start the stat from the beginning, do this again by entering the admincenter and hit "reset the stat".

3. Could it be that your server is not the fastest one ?

4. We could take a look at your new installation with a ftp account. You could configure this account for us pointing just in the stat folder. And sending via private message (PM).

5. Nevertheless, if you just hit reload in your browser while running the update process again and again, the stat opens Cool. Try this.

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Jorge Aragon
YaBB Newbies

Beiträge: 38
Geschlecht: male
Re: version 3.5.08
Antwort #2 - 19.06.08 um 23:09:38

it has nothing to do with Google Analytics.

Works smooth on my server.

Best regards, Jorge
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