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How to update to version 24 ? (Gelesen: 156 mal)

Beiträge: 2305
Germany NRW
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How to update to version 24 ?
10.11.24 um 13:08:42
Information about how to update the PHP Web Stat to Version 24


Generally you have to make a backup of the stat folders LOG, BACKUP and CONFIG.
Also it is very important to follow our instructions exactly.


  1. Set the stat to maintenance mode (Admin Center / Maintenance Mode).
  2. Log out of the admin center and close your browser.
  3. Copy all files included in the zip archive to the stat directory on your server, overwriting existing files by keeping the folder structure.
  4. Now return to the Admin Center, log in, and click Save under Settings, even if you have not made any changes.
  5. Take your statistics out of maintenance mode now.

You updated the stat successfully.

The PHP Web Stat Team

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