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Noscript tracking code for AMP pages (Gelesen: 179 mal)
YaBB Newbies

Beiträge: 4
Noscript tracking code for AMP pages
16.07.24 um 10:54:07
Good morning,
I need to insert the tracking code on AMP pages, where the protocol prohibits the insertion of custom javascript code.
So it would be important to still have the alternative with the tracking pixel <img.

I've searched a lot in the forum and documentation but I understand it has been removed. How can I solve it? Why has it been removed?

Thank you
Kind regards
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Re: Noscript tracking code for AMP pages
Antwort #1 - 25.08.24 um 20:58:54
Hi there,

the image tag was removed cause it gets mostly blocked by anti tracker tools.
For your purposes, the only solution would be to use the PHP include.

Kind regards
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