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I've corrupted phpWebStat on one of my sites (Gelesen: 1513 mal)
John Motyer
Junior Member

Beiträge: 67
Burlington (Toronto), Canada
Geschlecht: male
I've corrupted phpWebStat on one of my sites
22.05.22 um 12:04:06
Hello Holger/Reimar,

On one of my sites
, when phpWebstat is started, a small window opens and states Control Frame loading with the blue circles rotating and the message that it's updating the stat cache, but it stays on that screen with the blue rotating circles continuously, indefinitely.

I've put it into Maintenance Mode & recreated the index, and tried to recreate the cache, but all I get is spinning blue circles again and the word "loading"... for more than 30 minutes & still loading.

Is there anything that I can try to fix the problem?  I can give you admin access to it, if you think that might help.

Thank you in advance & have yourselves a great day.

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Re: I've corrupted phpWebStat on one of my sites
Antwort #1 - 24.05.22 um 10:03:34
Hi John,

sorry to hear that there is a problem.
Please send us the required login information (ftp would be great) to Holger (admin@php-web-statistik.de). That would be the fastest way.

Best wishes
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