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Visitors this month - 0% (Gelesen: 3804 mal)
YaBB Newbies

Beiträge: 2
Geschlecht: male
Visitors this month - 0%
20.03.09 um 09:34:04
Dear forum,
First of all I want to say thank you for a wonderful script!

My problem is, that the page in "Overview" in the column of "Visitors this month" have calculated the percent of visitors based on the total number of visitors for all times, which makes the visits for each day in the month equal zero. Is this an error in the calculation algorithm, or am I using some wrong settings somewhere?
I upgraded to version 3.6.28 yesterday, and everything else works perfectly.

Best wishes and a nice week end for you all

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Beiträge: 1984
Geschlecht: male
Re: Visitors this month - 0%
Antwort #1 - 20.03.09 um 10:25:33
Admincenter -> Advanced Settings -> Display ->

Advanced configuration of the progress bars
Please choose 1 if the progress bars are equal to the percentage values.

Please choose 2 if the progress bars rely on the maximum value of the entries.
Number of default entries within the Last Hits section
Choose a default value how many entries should be shown within the Last Hits section.
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YaBB Newbies

Beiträge: 2
Geschlecht: male
Re: Visitors this month - 0%
Antwort #2 - 20.03.09 um 10:59:18
Dear Reimar,

Thank you for the quick reply.

My fault entirely  Traurig
In my search for a solution I didn't notice the extra tabs within the Advanced Settings page. When I use settings number 2 as you suggest, everything looks exactly as I want!  Smiley

Thank you for a very nice script.

Best wishes,

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