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version 3122 falling in sleep, new pillow 3.208 ? (Gelesen: 23410 mal)

version 3122 falling in sleep, new pillow 3.208 ?
10.03.08 um 10:00:28
I was using version 3.122, worked until a couple of weeks ago, it came not further than the startscreen : loading with the continously running balls. Sometimes I got a fake message holding to download the current php file, sometimes, nothing was happening. Could not be stopped otherwise closing the page.
I was hoping, upgrading to version 3.208 would repair this matter, but the pillow is keeping the the program in sleep.

Strange effect : I'm using this program on a relative small website, about 40 pages, runs well in 3.122 and runs after upgrade 3.208, without the need of changes in the adminpart.

The other website counts about 600 pages, partly static, partly dynamic, that's the sleeping one.
Usually I'm looking with the help of favorite browser Firefox, but testing with IE7 does not make any difference other than displaying the file where sleeping starts : cache_creator.php?loadfile1...

takes about 3 minutes, browser shows "ready" down left, screen shows the same running balls, no result.
Strange effect 2 : under the message "loading" I can see the upper half of the word "Not".

I would like program to wake up, so I can see some figures or should I think of some "passover"   weinend
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Re: version 3122 falling in sleep, new pillow 3.20
Antwort #1 - 10.03.08 um 18:53:20
Hi dutchguru,

show me the sleping Webpage - or is it the www.sleepingdomain.com?

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« Zuletzt geändert: 10.03.08 um 22:26:05 von Husky »  
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Re: version 3122 falling in sleep, new pillow 3.20
Antwort #2 - 10.03.08 um 20:51:27
Oooooooooooor is it notsleepingdomain.nl????

Your config looks very strange!

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« Zuletzt geändert: 10.03.08 um 22:26:42 von Husky »  
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Re: version 3122 falling in sleep, new pillow 3.20
Antwort #3 - 10.03.08 um 21:04:32
pm is on his way, stormy weather from the west, so it will take some seconds  Laut lachend
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Re: version 3122 falling in sleep, new pillow 3.20
Antwort #4 - 10.03.08 um 22:25:28
You took the north-west passage for the PM. That was the fastest way Zwinkernd

OK - your sleeping Stat:
You choose for two Domains the same (getit) Stat Directorie, right? That can't work successful!
The www.domain.com/getit have also a redirection to www.domain.nl - that can't count the right Visiter number!
Both Stats have error Flags in the File Check. That means that you have change the files or that they have get a defect by sending with a wrong transfer modus. Defect files can't work successful! I guess that is the reason for the Cache Problem!
And, in your Website only the half JS - why?

Suggestion: Make your life easily Zwinkernd
Give every Domain a separate Subdirectorie for the Stat.
Put the hole JS in the Sides.
Watch during the Filetransfer to the Server for the right Transfermodus.

And then I'm sure - your Stat's will work for both domains!


P.s.: I edit the Domain names in this thread, ok?  Zwinkernd
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Re: version 3122 falling in sleep, new pillow 3.20
Antwort #5 - 11.03.08 um 00:20:16
I forget  Griesgrämig

Strange effect 2 : under the message "loading" I can see the upper half of the word "Not".

The Textbox for the message is to small!

The whole message is:
"Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server."

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« Zuletzt geändert: 11.03.08 um 01:49:37 von Husky »  
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Re: version 3122 falling in sleep, new pillow 3.20
Antwort #6 - 11.03.08 um 03:51:12
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmh - will you test me?????  Laut lachend

In the Stat subdirectories are a couple of index.html with a redirection script to the Main Domain. Delete all this index.html in the Stat Folder!!!

What do you think: Why doesn't work the stat?  Augenrollen

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Re: version 3122 falling in sleep, new pillow 3.20
Antwort #7 - 11.03.08 um 11:18:27
Hi Husky,
m is on his way, stormy weather from the west, so it will take some seconds

After this, it was sleeping time in my time Smiley

Domain "name" ok.

The two domains I mentioned in the pm ( but I have 4 with this counting program : 2 running on version 2 ) are complete selfsupporting, seperate domains, so if the basic subdirectory has the same name, could not have effect,although both are hosted on the same server. Against the rules of safe php in my point of view.

The subject holds the word "sleep", still it is, but yesterday before I was falling in sleep, I remembered a small detail : my goal was to upgrade to version 3.2 , visiting the website I found version 3.2.08 , so I downloaded that one. Looked in the FAQ for instructions, copied the one belonging to version 3.2.08 .............. and in version 3.20 all files and all folders except LOG and CONFIG were replaced.
That's the reason why some scripts holds an red exclamation sign.
So I replaced all with 3.2.08 except....
Life can be so easy  hä?

Nevertheless, I changed nothing in the admin, saved as instructed. Started the program and now there is no "not found" error any more , but it is looking for this date : 2038-01-19  03:14 a.m. wich it never will find this year.

Testing you , no, every directory in my websites holds an index.htm(l),  because Apache will prevent unneeded browsing by visitors if such a file exist. If - like this program - a php program needs another file, it will be included by name and should not be in trouble by an index.htm(l). A better way of security would be htaccess. If this program does have trouble with index.htm(l) than there will be a new situation, I have to think about that. ( with the last update a few month earlier , index files of the two used sites were interchanged).

I do remember , the first time I installed (probably) version 1 or 2, a part of the javascript could not cooperate with some other parts of my pages, still it worked well. I will check it out, but first I have to reach the point, where I can see some figures, the last time I did is 14 days ago on the main website. The other sites are running with the same js-part.
The only information I now using is G.Analytics, not bad either but I 'm missing still some info.

Conclusion for this moment : where can I change this 2038 date ???
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Re: version 3122 falling in sleep, new pillow 3.20
Antwort #8 - 11.03.08 um 13:10:10
Did you mean : Zitat:
<noscript><img src="http://www.yourdomain.com/stat/track_noscript.php" border="0" alt="" width="1" height="1" /></noscript>

Dated version 2, the quick start guide in Dutch language, didn't mention it, and more important, I was continously facing tidy-check problems on xHtml Strict because of "</noscript>". That's why it's missing. Cool
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Re: version 3122 falling in sleep, new pillow 3.20
Antwort #9 - 11.03.08 um 20:56:20
Conclusion for this moment : where can I change this 2038 date ???

Hi Dutchguru,
I look at your counter and it seems that the stat works well!  Smiley

Your Counter shows the Datetime "Start 24.10.2007" - means that now is everything OK with the Date?

If not - give me your PW for the stat, ok?

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Re: version 3122 falling in sleep, new pillow 3.20
Antwort #10 - 11.03.08 um 21:23:36
Hello Husky,

Yes and no : I have no problem to pm the password, but first I want to understand.
In the admin part is one option, to let the entry place ( filled by "TT.MM.YYYY") empty, as the tooltip shows for instance "2006/08/15" ( why a different notation ? ) and sais "if you enter nothing , the first logfile entry will be the next on the log..........., so I entered nothing, hopefull all figures would be save.

I don't use a counter on my pages, but the date 24-10-2007 is possibly ok, because that's probably the date changing to version 3, too much time between version 2 and 3, effect : no last update, more : all old figures were gone.

So, suppose I set on that particular point the date 24.10.2007 that would solve the problem ?


this is my screen until now.......................... Smiley
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Re: version 3122 falling in sleep, new pillow 3.20
Antwort #11 - 11.03.08 um 21:46:14
In the admin part is one option, to let the entry place ( filled by "TT.MM.YYYY") empty, as the tooltip shows for instance "2006/08/15" ( why a different notation ? ) ...

That is definitive a translation stumbler, sorry for that! (it wasn't me  Laut lachend)

Let the default fill character in this field with "TT.MM.YYYY".
(then it will take the first track date of your stat!)

Clear the cache of your stat and look what is happens now, ok?


Schaut Ihr euch bitte mal das genannte Datumformat in der englischen Version an?
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Re: version 3122 falling in sleep, new pillow 3.20
Antwort #12 - 11.03.08 um 22:44:05
Hi Husky,

Schaut Ihr euch bitte mal das genannte Datumformat in der englischen Version an?

I'm living "nextdoor" to Germany and regret I'm not able to write such perfect German language , or do you have German roots?

back to the problem : your advise worked perfectly .
The first session after clearing the cache worked from 24-10-2007 until 30-10-2007, restarted the page, then it went from 11-02-2008 ( last time I could use it ) until today, in total 10 minutes and the software is back in the air. It's late in the evening (my time 30 past 10 p.m. middle european time ), regarding to statistics, the sun rises. Smiley
Now I'm able to repair the other one's.

For those who has the same problem with tidy xHtml and the one pixel picture : change this from the english manual :

<noscript><img src="http://www.yourdomain.com/stat/track_noscript.php" border="0" alt="" width="1" height="1" /></noscript>

into :

<object><noscript><div id="webstat"><img src="http://www.yourdomain/stat/track_noscript.php" border="0" alt=" " width="1" height="1" /></div></noscript></object>

reason : using noscript in a block element like <p> is not working within xhtml strict. The secret is object , second : img within a noscript does not work either, secret = div.
Div has an id name, and alt has a content, I took a space.
Validated a page, result : perfectly xhtml strict 1.0 .
Source of this tip : www.tamtam.nl/www/NL/Weblogs/Sandro.htm

Thanks for helping Husky ! Smiley

Best regards,

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Re: version 3122 falling in sleep, new pillow 3.20
Antwort #13 - 12.03.08 um 01:26:02
Hi Husky,

Schaut Ihr euch bitte mal das genannte Datumformat in der englischen Version an?

I'm living "nextdoor" to Germany and regret I'm not able to write such perfect German language , or do you have German roots?
To make a long story short: Yes!  Zwinkernd

Thanks for helping Husky ! Smiley

It was me a pleasure!

Enjoy your running Stat! See you ....  Zwinkernd

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