Here you cand find all changes made to the PHP Web Stat 3.x.Version 3.6.28 from 2009/02/22
Bugfixes: - Security Bug in track.php and track_noscript.php fixed
Enhancements: - Language Pack Portugese
- Language Pack Hungary
- Language Pack Turkish
Version 3.6.22 from 2008/11/24
Bugfixes: - Linking error in in html_header.php with png FIX fixed
- Not used entries in html_header.php deleted
- Style error in func_timestamp_control.php fixed
- Spelling error in german.php and german_admin.php fixed
- Error_reporting in html_header.php and cache_creator.php added
- Counter Cache writing problem fixed (yes/dta)
- Sorting error in detail view fixed
- Problem in Sysinfo solved
Enhancements: - IP Address Patterns added
Version 3.6.09 from 2008/09/06
Bugfixes: - Tracking code security bug fixed
- Counter dynamics removed due to user problems
- Automatic detection of ip addresses in tracking code remove due to user problems
Enhancements: - Browser detection pattern of Google Chrome added
- Country detection patterns updated
Version 3.6.00 from 2008/08/11
Bugfixes: - Different counter values bug fixed
- Counter dynamics bug fixed
- Cookie tracking with disabled javascript bug fixed
- IE PNG display fix enhanced for IE 6 and minor IE versions
- Display of footer table values in module "Visitors per Hour" fixed
- Display of footer table values in module "Visitors this Month" fixed
Enhancements: - New entries of the module "Last Visits" automatically appear at the top of the table
- IP Address blocking now supports wildcards
- Printing now supports progress bars
- Printing enhanced to fit on different pages
- Operating System and Browser detection patterns enhanced
- Dropdown of Module settings "Last Visits" in the Admincenter enhanced
- Dropdown of Module "Last Visits" enhanced
- Automatic detection of https (secure) sites
Version 3.5.08 from 2008/05/20
Bugfixes:- bug in dynamic URLs in subfolders fixed
- specialchar bug in last hits function fixed
- spelling error in german_admin.php fixed
- display error (server time) in admin center fixed
- wrong space chars in editor function fixed
- PNG display problem in IE6 fixed
Version 3.5.00 from 2008/05/18
Bugfixes: - Dynamic URL bug fixed
- Tab Menu active after clicking into the site
- all HTML bugs fixed
- all CSS bugs fixed
- W3C HTML valid
- W3C CSS valid
- Standard Theme optimized
- Printpreview optimized
- Referer details changed
Enhancements: - New function Trends
- Version Check with Javascript
- new Search Engine patterns
- completely recoded Admin Center with the following features
- Textarea-Input and Bugfixed
- Detailed Version Checks and Updatenotes
- Backup Function
- Maintenance-Mode
- Theme-/CSS-Editor
- Detailed File-Versions
Version 3.2.11 from 2008/03/30
Bugfixes: - stat display of last month visitors bug fixed
- counter display of last month visitors bug fixed
Version 3.2.08 from 2008/02/06
Bugfixes: - Quotes in DetailView Module 2 filtered
- ErrorReporting added in "track.php" and "track_noscript.php"
Enhancements: - French language pack added
- Search engine patterns enhanced
Version 3.2.00 from 2008/01/11
Bugfixes: - 2 critical security vulnerabilities fixed
Enhancements: - second password can be entered
- display of date while updating the stat
Version 3.1.22 from 2007/12/11
Bugfixes: - stat display of last month visitors bug fixed
- counter display of last month visitors bug fixed
- height and width of the update image added
Enhancements: - whois query (provider) of the ip address in last hits changeable in the admin center
- cutting links optimized
- detailview template optimized
- extra detailview mode for searchwords
- enhanced configuration of the percent bars added in the admin center
- password dialogue in cachepanel fixed, direct call prohibited
Version 3.1 from 2007/11/12
Bugfixes: - ballontip-javascript directory path not found
- no tracking of users with disabled cookies
- error display of null values (detail_view.php)
- detail view clickable values
- backslashes (\) within search words
- quotes (") within search words
- referrer links in last hits
- display of umlaut letters
- width and height of images in sysinfo.php
- display of the 31th day of the month
- german text display within the sorting of tables
Enhancements - sum-up of equal site names
- server time difference in last hits
- possible readable entries in last hits set to 10.000
- update check without open wrappers (fopen)
- date format in last hits country specific
- error reporting set to 0 in some files
- some minor style changes
- danish language pack added
Version 3.0 from 2007/10/04
Bugfixes: - weekday bug with zero values fixed
- search engine patterns trimmed (Google,AskJeeves,
- domain allocation bug fixed
Improvements/Design Enhancements: ---------------------------------------- Design/StyleSheets Enhancements: - implementation of tabs
- implementation of balloon tooltips
- new graphics for cookie settings
- new graphics for update settings
- round progressbars
- display of time to render the stat
Code: - complete reprogramming of the stat code by using the model-view-control
- cache Function Optimization
New stuff ------------------- General - stat.php renamed to index.php
- pixel.php renamed to track.php
- tracking of visitors without javascript by using the track_noscript.php
- manual entry of the starting date of the stat (admin center)
- progressbar to show the rendering of the stat
- refreshing the cache within the stat
- option to show all entries of one desired module (detail view)
Module Laste Hits: - implementation of sorting function
- implementation of a calendar to select dates
- option to increase/decrease the number of entries to be shown
- option to increase/decrease the number of entries to be shown in the admincenter
- country flags added
- country flags option in the admincenter
- menu visible in the footer
- display of the visible entries/available entries/total number of entries in the footer
Module Archive: - option to select dates by using a calendar function
- option to save the shown data for future purposes
- option to delete such saved data
Module County of Origin: - country flags added
- country flags option in the admincenter
- option to show all entries of this module (detail view)
- sorting function added
Module Search Engines/Search Words: - The following patterns have been added:
- Clusty,Windows Live Search,Gigablast,WhatUSeek,ExactSeek,Jayde,HotBot,,Mamma
Module Detail View added: - option to show all entries of a module (detail view)
- sorting function added
- this function is available in the following modules:
- module visitor this month
- module visitor per month
- module referer
- module site visits
- module browser
- module operating systems
- module screen resolution
Module JavaScript Status added: - View of visitors without JavaScript
SysInfo: - version control system to solve conflicts with different files