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Board (English) >> English board >> PHP Warning: Undefined variable in cache_creator Beitrag begonnen von John Motyer am 01.06.24 um 19:31:18 |
Titel: PHP Warning: Undefined variable in cache_creator Beitrag von John Motyer am 01.06.24 um 19:31:18
[list bull-blackball]
Hello, folks, I have a friend who is getting these PHP errors with v20.01 : Code (php):
Any idea what might be causing that error? Thank you in advance & have yourself a great day. Tschüss, John |
Titel: Re: PHP Warning: Undefined variable in cache_creator Beitrag von Reimar am 01.06.24 um 22:12:02
Hi John,
thanks for this notice. We have to check this, but it is not a real bug. Newer PHP versions do not like if there is a variable, that has not been defined before. Therefore you get a warning message likes this. Particularly in this case, the referrer from a search engine does not have any search terms. Best regards Reimar |
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